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#29534 - Luxurous lavander sachet in silk with ribbon embroidered heart in pearl grey

13.00 € (13.00 EUR)     Vendu / Sold

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Luxurous lavander sachet in silk with ribbon embroidered heart in pearl grey
[Click to Enlarge]

Very beautiful lavander sachet in pure natural silk taffetas in grey pearl color with a lovely hand-embroidered ribbon heart of flowers in the central part.  The inside is a veil of cotton with lavander fastened with a Velcro band. Made in France. Le Blanc mark

Brand new. Weight 60 gramms.

100% natural silk. Washable in cold water, no bleach, no dryers. Used low iron.

Measurements  : 15cm  x 15cm appr.

Different motifs and colors are available.

Le Blanc original designs protected by Copyright laws/ January 2011

Luxurous lavander sachet in silk with ribbon embroidered heart in pearl grey
[Click to Enlarge]
Luxurous lavander sachet in silk with ribbon embroidered heart in pearl grey
[Click to Enlarge]
Luxurous lavander sachet in silk with ribbon embroidered heart in pearl grey
[Click to Enlarge]

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Au Fil Du Lin Et Coton - RCS Melun 482 671 278 - 2, Rue de Verdun - 77940 Thoury Ferrottes - France
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Site fondé en Octobre 2004